Thursday, September 11, 2008

Body Language =)

Yes! Today I'm going to post something about body language, O.O! This is the first post for this week, one more thing! Nicholas! Wake up wake up! Faster post your blog! =P! [Giggles]

Ok! Body language, it's a type of non verbal communication. Maybe some of us don't know what is the uses of gesture for us, but some of them are deaf mute person since they're born, gesture is created specially for them.
Last time, before I start my college life, every Thursday I'll accompany my mom to market, I saw a stall, which sold vegetable, my mom told me, after 9 o'clock in the morning, the vegetable will be sold out, that time I was like:"WOW, what's so special?" Then I was realized, their all of their vegetable 100% without pesticide, and I realized that, they are both deaf mute, and they able to communicate with each others, they use eye contact, gesture, and body language to communicate with each others, and even though they are deaf mute, but we can feel they appreciate their life, they didn't give up their life, work hard and support their family. They have 3 daughters, and their daughters would always follow them to market and help them.

I wonder why, some of them, they are healthy, but they didn't even want to appreciate their life, see the husband and the wife, they are able to support their whole family, and they didn't give up at all, work hard and face their problems, that is what we should learn from them.

And gesture, body language, eye contact are important for those who are deaf mute, and some who can't speaks well. It's a type of communication for them to connect with the world, God is fair, they lose something but they learn something. Appreciate your life! =)! Nothing is better than enjoy and appreciate our life! =)! Cheer Up!

P/S: My assignment getting more and more, T_T!

Soo Phik Tee

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